Sunday, January 27, 2008 for thought?

Has anyone noticed once you are diagnosed with Crohn's disease the amount of people that suddenly you become aware of that also have Crohn's disease? I have also taken notice of other autoimmune diseases. As a teacher, I can not help but notice the cases of autism and celiac disease. I am amazed. I heard recently, on NPR, that the US only grows one type of wheat. ONE. Most countries grow dozens at minimum. The one type of wheat we grow yields six times the amount of gluten. I am not sure whether the thought that our grains are being genetically altered or that we are eating (as a nation) six times the gluten in every meal we eat. In reality, gluten and wheat (or by products of wheat, dusted in wheat, or processed with the equipment used to process wheat) is in EVERYTHING we eat that comes in a package. Gluten is found in wheat and can be extracted by a process I do not know about. I wonder if there is a connection? I am sure in my hear of hearts that by products of industry and non-organic faming practices also contaminate our waters and soil and play at least a part in the rise of autoimmune diseases. What do you think?

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